Central Processing Unit

[ˈsentrəl prəʊˈsesɪŋ ˈju:nit]
  • 释义
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Central Processing Unit ( CPU ) is the heart of the computer system.

    中央处理器 ( CPU ) 是计算机系统的心脏.

  • 2、

    There will be a separate data bus connecting the central processing unit memory devices.


  • 3、

    The ALU is one component of the CPU ( central processing unit ).

    ALU是CPU ( 中央处理器 ) 的一个零部件.

  • 4、

    Every desktop and laptop computer common use today contains a microprocessor as its central processing unit.


  • 5、

    Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit.


  • 6、

    Windows works by timesharing the central processing unit ( CPU ).


  • 7、

    The processor unit is divided into two parts, the central processing unit and main memory.


  • 8、

    Very often there are several terminals connected to one central processing unit.


  • 9、

    Central Processing Unit. The part a processor that executes instructions.

    中心处理器. 处理器中执行指令的那一部分.

  • 10、

    There will be a separate data bus connecting the central processing unit to memory devices.


  • 11、

    A silicon chip that contains central processing unit.


  • 12、

    A storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer.


  • 13、

    A computer usually consists of input, central processing unit ( CPU ) and output.

    一部电脑通常由输入, 中央处理机和输出组成.

  • 14、

    The most common components of processing hardware are the central processing unit and main memory.


  • 15、

    The central processing unit ( CPU ) is the brain of the computer.

    中央处理器 ( cpu ) 是计算机的大脑.

  • 16、

    The microprocessor is a central processing unit on a single chip.


  • 17、

    A central processing unit ( CPU ) that consists of only one large scale integrated circuit.


  • 18、

    Central processing unit ( CPU ) is the primary functioning unit of any computer system.


  • 19、

    The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit ( CPU ).

    中央处理器 ( CPU ) 是任何计算机系统的核心.

  • 20、

    CPU : Central Processing Unit, sometimes called the microprocessor or simply the processor.

    中央处理器, 有时称为微处理器或简称为处理器.

  • 21、

    Central Processing Unit. The part of a processor that executes instructions.

    中央处理器. 处理器中执行指令的那一部分.
